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Saturday, October 4, 2008


a- Twist it and lick all of the white stuff off, one side at a time, then eat the cookie, one at a time!
b- Break the morsel in half and eat one half at a time!
c- Plunk the entire Oreo into your mouth and crunch away!
d- Pour a glass of COLD 'moo juice'...and then daintily dip half into the milk and eat...then the
other half!
e- Prepare a cup of hot tea....then dip part of the Oreo into the hot tea and eat...don't forget
to finish off the other portion!
f- Give the last Oreo that you have left in your Superman lunchbox to your bestest friend...and
watch them eat that one that you craved!
g- Crumble up your Oreo cookie and drop onto a bowl of your fave ice cream!
h- Stop buying the regular bag of Oreo cookies and, instead, buy the Double Stuf Oreo cookies
and forget the heck about the calories listed in Arabic on the side of the package!
i- Got one I didn't think of?

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