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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Salvia Divinorum is a member of the mint family that is currently being dried...and then smoked in our society! And, since it's labelled as a herb, is legal to purchase. Why should you be concerned, NOW, about salvia? It's being used as a hallucinogen and works on the part of the brain that controls perceptions. Don't believe me as to its potency with the youth of our society? Go to YouTube.com and check out over 5,0000 vids that show users tripping out on this "herb".
And why do I bring it up? I DON'T want to see them in serious trouble!!
I have always, without 'preaching', expressed my concerns over the use of 'drugs' by students and of excess alcohol use but do understand when someone does become addicted and needs help from others and us.

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