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Thursday, September 11, 2008


1) Here's a good chance to think out a poser...the art of thinking! Almost all hamburgers in public and at home are round. The originator of Wendy's, Dave Thomas, when he first started out, came up with a simple but brilliant plan to make his all-American burger a success up against McDonald's and Burger King. WHY did his advertising plan WORK with a square one? And it wasn't simply because it was square...much more than that.
2) What little square burger has become an icon out in the mid-West by steaming them with chopped onions and selling 'em by the bag?
Can you figure out these two burger posers?

ANSWER: Well, have you figured it out? I'll help...the late Dave Thomas had figured out that his fresh SQUARE burgers would hang out of the ROUND buns, making them appear to be larger!!! And WHITE CASTLE are the little burgers that became famous. They are also square and can be purchased, now, in the frozen food section around the country. However, you need to nuke a few at a time to obtain a meal!

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