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Sunday, July 11, 2010


1) Once again, a rivival of the earlier decade of the "ME GENERATION!" "Me, me, me...it's all about ME, first...YOU don't count, BUT I, uh, do!"
2) Driving around your town or area? Have you noticed how more and more IDIOT "me" drivers pay no attention to the actual laws of driving, and civility, on our highways and streets? "Beat 'em thru the red lights!" "Get outta my way!" "Blow that freaking horn, you're movin' toooo slow!"
3) "The fickle, dickle finger!"
4) When a new check-out line opens in a grocery store or just store, who, standing behind you, RUNS ahead of others to get there quicker?
5) "Like, know what I mean?...like, uh, last night I like went out to eat, and it was like sooo good...."
6) Piles of grocery items in a basket, going through a "10 items or less" lane...holding up for some time those who had only a few items, then running back to get something forgotten, while the entire line waits, and waits and waits!
7) Parking in a store lot, after you've parked, and pulling in so close to make it nearly impossible for you to get into your car....all the time knowing that when they did pull in to park, they had to have HIT your car with their door!
8) What about a "regular" driver who blatantly parks in a "handicap" space?????

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