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Saturday, May 22, 2010


A) Example: you have a problem with the owner, who is, you feel, taking advantage of you. LEVERAGE means that you check with the local. or state governments, and find out exactly what rights you have with the situation! Then, you, with personal strength, 'confront', with a witness, and expect changes FOR your rights. You, therefore, gained LEVERAGE by doing your homework and confronting the owner. I do not respect the title of "landlord."
B) "The end justifies the means!".....the philosophy HAS TWO SIDES to it! Throughout history, some people and groups have used it to justify their own hideous returns, like Stalin and Castro and maybe even some people you know! BUT....the other side of this issue can use the GOOD for GOOD results/ends! You need and want a good car....you work for it and the end is....A GOOD CAR! You want a home....and save and work and use your smarts to earn a mortgage for THAT home!!!!
C) SEE? Two sides, like a Virginia quarter!

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