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Friday, May 21, 2010


A) Yes, I know that 100% of you do it...that's checking out what's printed on that T-shirt coming towards you! And how many of you, during these warmer months, LIKE to choose and wear somethin NEAT yourself? C'mon, admit it....
B) This guy does, and has for some time. This week, I just had to purchase a 1969 "WOODSTOCK" 'T' on sale for $10 at good ole 'James Cash Pen-nays.' Little did I realize, honest, that many, many people of all ages would stop and ask me where I got it! It was fun....
C) A few years back, at 'Tar-zha', I found a brown-colored 'T' with pics of the FAB Four' on the front. To this day, every time I wear it, many people even yell out, from a distance, that the 'T' is NEAT! That includes widdle kids and all ages up to grandmothers.
D) Yes, the power of a printed 'T-shirt' is an American social phenomenon that's been out and about for years! I 'triple-dog dare' you to rummage through your clothes drawers, maybe iron it a BIT, and wear one of your faves this warm weekend...otay? And I also bet you that most of you have taken good care of your fave ones, too, over the years. Some of mine were purchase back in 1907....1907? My friends, and Sarah, claim that one of my attributes is a...a sense of humor! Et vous?

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