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Friday, April 2, 2010

486- IS IT POSSIBLE???......

Along the way, some time ago, this historian found just one reference to a ponderable about being able to intelligently "pick up" the actual words uttered by Abraham Lincoln when he read, at Gettsyburg, his now famous brief address with his own voice. The ponderer back then said that, since spoken words may be able to continue on through space as vibrational rings, someone some day may be able to find and capture those sound vibrations "out there" and record them exactly with, yes, his own voice!
I believe that, one day, it very well could be possible. Don't underestimate the human mind........ Of course, we could also be able to, possibly, separate and locate the words of other "famous" people, too!
Hey, ponder that ponderable for a bit.....

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