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Friday, April 2, 2010


A) YES, go to the ORIGINAL source when thinking and debating and discussing any ponderable! How about that challenge?
Instead of common hearsay and "they said what", go the U.S. Constitution, for example, when trying to understand and discussing any part of that remarkable American document.
Hey, when jumping to conclusions about what one person supposedly said about you or someone else or on any subject, GO TO you and politely ask! Lemmings are animals, not thinking humans.

B) This educator and author continues to respect, for many reasons, Thomas Jefferson. Our original well-read U.S. 'founder' was ALWAYS searching for answers. For example, he originally supported the French Revolution idea but changed his mind, soon thereafter, and realized what was behind the murdering of thousands of fellow Frenchmen....

C) AND KNOW YOUR HISTORY! That, by the way, requires your extensive study from the original sources and smarts. Why don't you take the time to actually know our American history from the original, excellent sources and not rely on a newspaper or second-hand history book or mag article? Then maybe you will earn and deserve the 'right' to discuss it with another likewise "ignorant." Hurt your feelings? Change it by reading the original sources, like our U.S. Constitution...what Thomas Jefferson actually said and wrote...the thoughts of one Thomas Payne...the real Declaration of Independence...the true Christian thoughts of Martin Luther King, Jr. You WILL feel pride inside for knowing and understanding HISTORY from the SOURCE. Hey, and you definitely will be prepared to discuss and debate the national issues before us right now, intelligently. Try it.

D) Anyone trying to pull a "dummy" reasoning around your end corner will be stopped in their ignorant tracks. Suggestion...be respectful when you develop and use your newfound knowledge of history and THE facts, please. Demonstrates your quality character!....thanks.

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