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Saturday, February 28, 2009


I do remember enjoying the cartoons with Yogi Bear and Huckleberry Hound Dog, but only recently I got it, had an epiphany just the other day! Now, I understand, after all of this time, what a "huckleberry friend' really is. It is a very special friend who has been in your life for many years, especially since childhood. They are your good chums who have your back, who love you. But, there's more invovled. A true huckleberry friend is one who has stuck by you, does stick with you and loves you...NO MATTER WHAT!

Remember Huckleberry Finn?

And I also realized this week some of the lyrics in a film, "Breakfast at Tiffanys" that I really liked, from "Moon River": "...two drifters off to see the world--there's such a lot of world to see...we're after the same rainbows end waiting round the bend my huckleberry friend...."

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