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Monday, September 8, 2008


I think it was the '80s in our society, and someone recently mentioned that, like other fads, the fondue craze was about to sweep America again!
Special fondue pots back then became communal pots for hot melted mixtures of cheeses and wine, and 'oh mi ga' hot, thick, melted and bubbly chocolate. People even brought their own specially designed 'spears' for stabbing fruits or meats or breads, with groupies sitting around the fondue table. If someone's speared pear chunk fell off into the fondue goodies, one lost a turn, I'm told.
No, I stand corrected, the spear dropper had to kiss a spear stabber! Whatever the custom, I wonder what happened to all of the fondue pots after the '80s? Did they wind up, over time, at yard sales throughout America?.....did famous potee users put their's on eBay? Maybe they've formed a society of Former Fondue Potees and intend to scrub up all of them and bring them out to surprise the rest of us in American society for this coming Christmas, a fondue revival? And this time EXTREME DARK chocolate will be melted, with a dash of, say, sherry or margarita mix.

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