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Monday, September 1, 2008


This year, in our society, a "new" kind of apology seems to be spreading: "This hurricane is what the Republican Convention deserves!" When the speaker of those words was caught and revealed to the public, he apologized. That makes it all right?
When a "friend" said some mighty hurtful, cutting gossip statements about her supposed good friend behind her back, sleeping around, she was caught in the lie. She then played the apology game quickly and considered her pissant transgressions all forgiven, and, worse yet, expected it!
"Your children are little creeps!...just kidding...sorry...didn't mean it." Any openminded person knows that children are many things at diffferent times. When another person makes such a hasty statement, seeing and especially knowing only what they see at any given time of a family, and makes an assumed JUDGEMENT to others, then it is totally unfair. And deserves a reality check!
No way...someone like that needs more than simple atonement. How does the element of trust regain its importance? Not sure if ever....someone gets hurt in the wake of the 'apology'.
"Hey, did you read the blog about Alaska's Governor Sarah Pailin's little baby actually being her 17-yr.-old daughter's child? You know, the one born with Down's Syndrone? Not true? Oh well, I 'apologize'....."
This "new" kind of apology in our society will not hack it...agree or disagree?

It's NOW February 2009! Do you SEE how this "apology technique" has caught on and is rampant throughout our American society! Michael Phelps...the former governor of Illnois...the new governor of Illinois "forgetting" some important conversations and then remembering? The rationalization of "apology" making it immediately OK when making errors is, honestly, RAMPANT. It's actually a COP-OUT, an excuse, a justification to get out of legal responsibility. "Monkey see, monkey do." As soone as one did, and got away with it, making it all right, the process spread rapidly...right?
Look, now at the baseball player, 'A-Rod'...he lied, over and over, for some time, but that's OK 'cause he admitted the illegal activities finally, thinking it will all be erased!

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