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Saturday, January 2, 2010


The local "oldest newspaper in America" just published my yearly, now 11, predictions for 2010 (that's Twenty-ten!) It's time for the squire to go national....

#1) Iran...the murderous mulahs and "president" of Iran will, during the first half of this year, be overthrown out of "office" and tried for TREASON! The short smart-ass murdering prez, who gave the word to murder his own young Iranian people, will be thrown into a prison for months before going on public trial! He will be forced to stand, handcuffed, all during the trial.
#2) Sen. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, of Nevada, WILL BE defeated this coming year in a Senate election! A Washington Post reporter and a NBC correspondant will uncover his new job, doing extensive undercover reporting, in the spring of 2011, where Reid will be discovered working at a floral shoppe in Las Vegas, creating corsages for weddings at one of those quickie marriage chapels!
#3) Representative Nancy Pelosi, House Majority Leader, will lose that position come November of this year...and pout and cry non-stop until after Christmas of this year, when she will become a "Miss Bo-tox" spokesperson for persons who live west of the Mississippi!
#4) The highly successful "Tea Party" followers and leaders of America will take back America from the White House "czars" and return our country back to a "kinder, gentler way of life" that President #41 talked about often during his term of office!
#5) Our current prez will be a one-term president!
#6) Old-fashioned ice cream parlours will once again become so popular
in 2010 that reservations may be a necessity!...oh, and CHOCOLATE will nudge out "Banilla" in popularity. You go, banana splits!!! You'll remember them from your munchkinhood...chocolate, vanilla and strawberry...marshmallow fluff...pineapple bits and that glorious hot fudge sauce slowly slidin' down the sides...whoops, don't forget that little red 'chino cherry on top! Anyone know what "dirty vanilla" ice cream is?
7) American small businesses, capitalism, will, this year, once again rise to the top and SAVE our economy...just like Pres. Reagan, THE LEADER, did back in the '80s!
8) That dictator from Venezuela will be deposed!!!, and the good and decent peoples of Venezuela WILL run the country as a FREE democracy once again!
9) The word CHRISTMAS will continue to rise in importance and use, once again, in America!
10) "S'MORES' will officially be declared a NATIONAL TREASURE right alongside grilled cheese 'wiches!
11) Millions of honorable Chinese peoples WILL rise up, collectively, and overthrown the dictator system and people who tell them what to do and how to think! Those dictator-system, corrupt "leaders" will suddenly disappear, just like they made so many honorable Chinese people over the years disappear!
12) HONG KONG! Their quest for their own democracy-style leadership, led by huge numbers of good and honorable Hong Kong citizens, will grow and grow and grow...to fruition!

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