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Saturday, December 19, 2009


Later, I know what an American is not....
1) A true American gets involved, in a grassroots way, with coming to the aid of a neighbor!
2) ...understands the American-way of naturally being innovative...something doesn't work?...try again!
3) Looks at the scales...and exercises even if only being able to sit up 11 times at a time...next time will be for 12!
4) WILL NOT drink an alcoholic beverage and then, or during, drive a vechicle, knowing that someone else's friend or family member may be in that approaching vehicle, or that your friend or family member will be the one to receive a call that YOU are------
5) Someone who doesn't rush for a free handout every time one's offered....
6) Tackles the SOB who was trying to blow up a Detroit-bound airplane in flight and SAVES nearly 300 passengers, period!
7) Says, genuinely, THANK YOU, to a fellow American, recreating a revolution in our society!
8) Supports local hometown businesses whenever possible!
9) ...likes 'maters (tomatoes) straight from the summer veggie garden, after wiping off the non-sprayed FRUIT!
10) ...gets up one more day and tackles life with a renewed vigor (use the "vigor" pronunciation like JFK's)!
11) Says "supper" instead of "dinner."!

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