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Sunday, August 23, 2009


Applied Economics...begun at the school.

a- Students were in on my original first class, with creating methods to enhance a novel approach to learning about the REAL, practical, world of economics. One of their 'hands on methods/lessons" was to study about capitalism, entrepreneurship. They formed a corporation and sold stock, to themselves only (their decision), in a business that they had chosen. Each morning, for two weeks, well-planned, each one came to school early for their business---to sell their own prepared sandwiches and cookie items to the rest of the school in the Commons only. In preparation, they invited the local health inspector to teach them the rules and regulations of handling food products.
When the business was so successful each morning, an administrator, behind the scenes, gave them, through me, an edict that they had to be back in their first period (us) by the last bell or----. Someone in the cafeteria, too, very early, watched from behind the scenes our every move. (Interesting note: that same person decided to open up for 'breakfast', later). The students responded by bustin' and making it all work! At the end of that class entreprenurial lesson, venture, they dissolved the corporation (rules) and were paid dividends according to how many shares each had bought. Some had much faith in their business, a few bought only one share. When each one received a dividend check (real $$$)? Some had earned as much $100+!! That same administrator couldn't believe the students had earned so much $$$.
b- Our Applied Econ classes, each semester, had a local businessperson as our mentor and advisor! The students really appreciated the local Chamber of Commerce director one semester as their mentor. Another mentor was from Busch Gardens.
c- Business guests every week! Auto sales, local entrepreneurs, insurance agents, real estate agents, ice cream shoppe owners, a stock broker and restaurant owners were some of the guests. We also were invited out to businesses to see how they operated. One, a Wendy's, was memorable...why are Wendy's burgers square? (Know why?) But the neatest trip was to the local Busch Gardens Amusement Park before it opened one morning. After the different dept. people talked and mingle with them on operations, WE were given a ride on the Loch Ness Monster (closes this year)....AND treated to pizza for lunch...just for the students!
What a class! Those hundreds of students, over the years, MADE it work!
D- Did those three classes and their innovative methods EVER earn ANY honors? Hmmmm...what do you think?

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