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Sunday, August 16, 2009

359- grits...Grits...GRITS!.....

Ok, are/is GRITS plural or singular?
Our Southern society, over the years, has been famous for the use of GRITS on their everyday menus. Old-fashion folk would never think of preparing instant grits, instead, cooking a pot from "scratch." Baked grits...grits with bacon bits...cheddar grits...fried grits....with GRAVY, yeah!...more?
Usually, grits are a side to eggs, bacon, ham...in other words, for breakfast. By the way, breakfast comes from "break the fast", sleeping over night!
The Amish and Mennonites always served up a hearty breakfast on the farm, and PIE was a standard fare. Not sure about "them grits."
Serving GRITS good 'n hot with a meal is a given, and they're not just for breakfast, anymore!
So....do YOU like "them grits?"

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