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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

334- THANKS, BLOGGERS!...........

Thanks, bloggers....at times this blog, in the evening, is "packed", and even this guy cannot log on...or you. My intentions have always been to share a "social commentary or three" on life out and about our American society. There is a bit of witty fun...an ounce of satire...a quart of originality...neat local history...love...introducing everyday heroes...squaring in on 'thangs'...philosophies from Otis P. Suggins and Mavis Flower Suggins...a tiny tear or three...introducing thoughts & concepts new to you...being a wordsmith..."going on" ADVENTURES...a bit of nostalgia....sharing the evolution of my first biggie novel, The Serpentine Bond! and more to come.....
My ideas and imaginations just keep rolling on! If I can influence YOU to influence others to be creative and imaginative, that makes me feel important, too...a bit of altruism is the name of the game, also! After all, it is imporant to yourself to like yourself...yeah! As Sass 'Quatch would say, "I like me! Know what I mean?""

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