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Saturday, June 27, 2009

319- HOW ABOUT THAT P.E.T.A.?.....

A) Throwing fish early each morning in the Seattle fish market? "STOP IT...hurts the fish," P.E.T.A. claims.
A Prez catching a fly in the air? He did slap it into eternity. "STOP IT...flies have feeling, too...or did," P.E.T.A. said.

B) How do you spell 'ridiculous'?

C) This guy learned, some time ago, and don't ask me why, how to swoop under and up to catch a fly with one hand! After years of study, observing the aerodynamic flight path of how a fly takes off and practicing, I discovered the secret! Works every time, by the way. Sorry...you'll have to be curious enough to figure it out yourself. Yes, the Prez and I share a secret...but I don't, uh, slap!
D) My grandmother Cline once told me, while a child: "The little things in life are important, and are what you remember the most. Go for it, Ronnie."

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