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Sunday, June 7, 2009


A) Here comes my next Statewide project....
Am working on the indepth research that will be presented soon.
Also, have designed and printed a one-page "paper" on the incorrect Virginia public news media's use of the historic and decent use of the word: NOR-FOLK. In a separate blog, that issue will be explored further. First letter, using the paper, has been mailed to a PBS TV station...and now to the mayor of NorFOLK.

B) This sociologist and historian is turned on by researching original, curious historical posers. Does anyone remember ever noticing a smallish sign at the entrance to some Virginia towns and cities noting a..."BIRD SANCTUARY"? I did and began a search for the origin, especially how to go further and introduce the historical designation to another town or three. VOILA...by digging came up with the answers and need only one minor data fact to complete and ask for some designations in today's Virginia society.
(Found it!)

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