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Friday, June 5, 2009


This 'spell in a bottle' found dates back to 17th century Elizabethan English folklore, in a society where beliefs in witches and supersittions were common. Even much earlier, possible the 1500s, stone-type bottles were found containing urine, rusty nails, hair, bone fragments and even rusty old nails.

a) The 'witch bottle' was meant to protect against those evil spirits and counteracts a spell created by a witch.

b) It usually was a small bottle, measuring 3", using green or blue glass. There were, at times, larger ones, for more important spells.

c) The witchcrafter, woman or man, mixed up the contents from samples of urine, hair, nail clippings, nails and often a bit of red thread. Then that 'witch bottle' was buried either at the most distant spot of the person's property needing it, or, more often, IN the home's hearth or plastured walls AND would drown the EVIL in the urine and shred it by the nails.

d) HOWEVER, the spell's power was inactivated if the bottle was uncovered!

e) Are there 'witches' and spells in our American society in 2009? My fascinating research believes there is!

f) And my trip and exploration visit to "the Big Easy" (New Orleans) once upon a time opened another door into my huge archives of adventures: a small, narrow voodoo shop in the older section of The French Quarter! My first novel, The Serpentine Bond!, includes one scene, but you have to wait until the book is completed...that first one, 600+ pages, is taking plenty of time to make it a HUGE SUCCESS around the world when it does enter the world of a first-time novelist! The 2nd novel, Meet Me At The Wild Cherry Tree!, will, from experience, move at a quicker pace!...squire

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