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Thursday, May 14, 2009


As a longtime Socratic-style educator, I value bringing topics out from the shadows, with absolute intelligent discussions, with deep background research, listening to all sides and debating!! From much experience, I know immediately, also, that a few will "attack" me by claiming that I, moi, am advocating "weed' use....not true, of course. I personally DO NOT like the use of enhancing "drugs", even careful about cold "medicine"...and DO NOT even partake of alcohol, period. BOTH are my pesonal choices and NOT "attacks" on anyone else, period! This guy has always, out front, spread out the initiatives, like here. ...let's continue.....

1) Now, back to the actual poser: should marijuana use, in our American society, be legalized? (Aside from permission given for medicinal uses.) Marijuana will be define using my Heritage Dictionary: "The cannabis plant...a preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria."
2) (Con) One argument against legalization declares that it leads, will lead to dangerous drugs, like a stepping stone!
3) (Pro) One argument for legalization states that it is not a "dangerous" drug, that millions and millions of $$ are being transferred under the table already without any taxes being assesed at all. That if the sales were brought up on the table, strictly sold and checked by a responsible governmental agency, millions and millions of local and state tax $$$ would go now into the state and local coffers and not in the pockets of the sellers!
4) (Con) Another argument against legalization involves already existing religious social standards set in place for decades. That there is a definite generation gap, with the younger generations generally favoring its use alreay, and the older generation fixed to social standards in place for some time.
5) (Pro) Another argument for legalization...there's no real way to curb the sale and especially use of "weed"...too many people use it already, behind the scenes. That many other countries around the world generally have relaxed views and conderns over the use of marijuana.
6) (Con) Marijuana is much stronger now...can become addictive.
7) (Pro) "It didn't hurt me!" one user admitted.
8) (Con) Legalizing, selling and advertising it, face up to it, will be aimed at 'teens, getting them to move into the stronger stuff! Like cigs and beer, the youth of America will sooner or later get it!
9) (Pro) "I don't have to smoke it anymore. There's a pill out there for me to take and "feel good."
10) (....more).....

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