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Thursday, April 9, 2009


A social movement, "Tea Parties", is moving across our country...agree with it or not.
BUT, this historian and sociologist brings up the patriotic (remember that word?) theme of "Remember The Alamo!" "Piracy" has become rampant off the coastal area of Somalia, raking in millions and millions of $$$$...and no one has done one iota of combating it, internationally. And now, for the first time in 200 years, an American ship was "attacked", our American ship's captain is being held captive at this very moment!
What did President Jefferson do when pirates, thugs, attacked an American vessel back 1802? he refused to pay!!! And sent the "Marines."
Are we, a country, appeasers?...let's sit down and "talk," pirates?
I vote for "Remember the Alamo!" Oh, know your history?

It's time that our country, Americans, wake up and "REMEMBER THE ALAMO!" The UNITED States of America has apologies to no other country! Hey, that's my ponderable for the year....


GUESS WHAT, America? Here's an update on this blog. This Sunday, EASTER, our Navy Seal team SAVED, took out, 3 of the 4 thugs holding our American ship's captain hostage. "Don't tread on me!"

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