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Friday, October 10, 2008


First, you'll need to go back to 'Peanuts' some time ago to refresh your memory on the characters' story of The Great Pumpkin.

Linus, the most intelligent but gullible member of the Peanuts crew, had a vision that was confused with Santa Claus and how Christmas was being commercialized with Halloween! While all of the other kids went their merry way of trick-or-treating, Linus would spend his time, sincerely, in the pumpkin patch. He was hoping, year after year, for the arrival of THE Great Pumpkin, who, by the way, was supposed to be bringing Halloween presents.
For decades, though, intelligent Linus, never outgrew his mistaken notion about the Great Pumpkin! He believed!
And, he would spend considerable time going door to door trying to persuade non-believers to become believers in the GP. Once, Sally Brown did believe, and another time Marcie did, calling the GP the "Great Squash" by mistake...
However, NO Great Pumpkin ever appeared.
Linus never once wavered in his belief. At times, with a slight bit of self-doubt, he would lament by declaring that "I'm doomed! One quick slip like that would cause the Great Pumpkin to pass by!"
Wait, I do know that one year Charlie Brown woke up sleeping Linus in the pumpkin patch to tell him that he had heard a GP sighting "by the Freeman in New Jersey" broadcast over the radio. Was Chuck telling Linus the truth or just trying to encourage him to continue on with his fantasy thoughts?
Think that you're too 'adult' to even think about Linus, or that 'stuff' like 'Peanuts' and the Great Pumpkin are simply a "fig-newton of one's imagaination"? I send a "rasberry" through the Internet! Remember....IMAGINATION is what keeps the "kid" inside some of us, like my hero Walt Disney, to create some of the world's bestest characters and tales! Can you imagine if Disney had not observed that little mouse for some time before creating? And, what if his wife had not persuaded him from using his first choice of Mortimer? Oh, remember Washington Irving's Ichabod Crane and the 'headless horseman'? This guy, for years, would get a 'punkin', carefully cut a circle on the top for a lid, pull off, reach down inside, YUCK, and scoop out every seed, with, uh, goo, and wash them carefully with running water. Next, lay the seeds on a cookie sheet and, with low oven heat, dry them. Lastly, take 20 or so small envelopes and place a handful in the envelope with a kid's handwriting style on a note, seal up with the seeds and place them into some support staff boxes! I figured that they, and they did, enjoy the attention more!
So, what did the note say?...that it was from the GREAT PUMPKIN and that if they 'believed', just maybe GP would come see them with treats...the next day?...candy treats were placed into the same box!...hmmm, is that toooo childish for YOU, now, as an adult?
I, squire, rest my case!

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