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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


This educator and author graduated first from a small private college in the Shenandoah Valley, with a major in Philosophy, adding Logic. Fresh out of high school, and being told that our high school had prepared us well, ha, I honestly didn't understand, for sure, what philosophy actually was upon entering college. In time, though, the dept. chair, Dr. Willoughby, with his intelligence, wit and respectful dignity for everyone, went far beyond teaching...he inspired!
So, I searched for my own creative, inspiring maxim to enlighten the world.
"Tell me what's wrong with me, and I'll listen to the end of my nose...
but tell me what's right with me, and I'll listen to the end of my...mind!" Those thoughts took months to formulate, until all of it was just right!

Oh, when I looked for "Philosophers Needed" in the want ads, after graduation, there were none listed!

The Socratic method of teaching?...ever experience the highly involved, successful style of teaching?...how it works is coming!

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