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Friday, July 25, 2008


Coffee brewing early every morning in a perculator pot, as a youngster, originated from my father who arose before sunrise and went to bed "with the chickens". Can still vividly remember that aroma, even though I didn't like coffee and still don't.
And old-fashioned pies for breakfast from living with a Mennonite family a week one summer. Their pie baking, without sugar, usually was on Saturday mornings, and those homemade apple, blueberry, pumpkin, boysenberry, strawberry or Shoofly pies were prepared with flaky, golden crusts so good that a second slice, room temp from their walnut pie safe, was a given. My father, along with perking coffee aromas wafting throughout the kitchen, usually reserved an early Sunday morning, before church, for baking what he called a 'family pie'...that was a large rectanglular deep dish glass pie pan filled with whatever fruits he had in the freezer at the time. His crust often didn't stretch all the way across the fruit filling, but who cared what the 'family' pie looked like! Yes, pie baking smells are locked away in my secure memory bank.
You can share some of your own good smells here with a click...more of mine are on tap.


Rosemary said...

Lavender…while I love the smell of all flowers, in particular gardenias and roses, the scent of lavender is mesmerizing to me.
Chocolate (in particular, freshly baked brownies, they are the smell of sin. I’m a firm believer that brownies were created by the devil!)
The lingering after scent of my guy's cologne on my bed pillows.
Rain…it’s the smell of closure, yet a fresh start.
My Italian grandmother…she always smelled like garlic. I never understood it when I was young. I just knew she smelled.
Puppies and bubble gum.
That new puppy smell makes me smile especially when they kiss you.
And bubble gum reminds me of good childhood memories. There’s something liberating about blowing bubbles and popping them at your own will, especially at the age of 5.

"thesquiresview" said...

Nice verbal description...try some more, rosemaryakamom!