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Friday, June 13, 2008


"I'll try another one of those anatomical juxtapositions of two oribicular muscles in a state of contraction, please. They tingle!", I whispered to the most beautiful girl in the seventh grade during a movie at the local mall. I had one bag of popcorn between the two of us. Whenever she reached over to share a handful of popcorn, she would touch my hand and fall in like with me, I had cleverly planned.
And she did, touch my hand. She then turned to gaze into my blue eyes gazing back at her, and we, uh, kissed for the first time, but I missed, kissing her nose.
Did I, and she, try again?
The Walt Disney movie was ending, and I had to act quickly. We both slowly turned inwardly, locking in on the goal and...SUCCESS. Wow!

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