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Sunday, April 18, 2010

498- "Eyjafallajokull"....OK, WHAT IS IT?....

A) Did YOU guess the name of the Icelandic volcano eruping this past week and causing sooo much concern around the globe? Hey, you're right on target!
B) But can YOU pronounce it correctly?...and do you honestly care? AP uses the pronunciation of...."ay-yah-FYAH'-play-yer-kuh-duhl."
C) The last time this Icelandic volcano erupted was about 200 years ago, without the fanfare, because that date would have been around 1800+...no airlanes.
D) A camera crew did fly up close and sorta personal this past week, and this adventurer, along with many others, had a chance to "see" the source, volcano, during a "clear-day-you-can-see-forever" spectacular view!! Haven't checked, yet, but you might try YouTube to see.
E) And ready for the next "show"? There's a second large volcano near this one that erupted about 100 years ago...and is "ready" to blow anytime?

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