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Saturday, December 19, 2009


In a much earlier essay (blog), this philosophy major explained about a little baby's built-in efforts to learn to walk and applying it to the title here.
One of my secrets to creative writing has always been, trained myself as a kid, to close my eyes and recall DETAILS. I can go back into my memory bank, now, and recall exact details and conversation on past happenings. Don't believe me? Go back and scan the over 500+ blogs in all three blogs and scores of newspaper essay and national articles! And wait until you read, in the spring, the upcoming "THE SERPENTINE BOND!" By the way, YOU can teach yourself, if you wanna, how to do it yourself!
I watched, over a short period of time, when my beautiful little munchkin daughter, Sarah, decided that SHE was ready to learn to walk, from within that inner timer. Had opened one side of her "walkabout" crib on the floor...she took her time and walked around the sides, then, after some time, she got up enough nerve, and SHE ventured to its edge and continued out and around the outside railing.
She paused...looked across the room with the fireplace and...and took off. PLOP!, sitting down on her butt-butt. Got back up and tried it again...and again...and again. I could SEE that determination in her eyes! Billions of babies, over the years, have tried and worked on and through that same tremendous first step. Some, with physical problems, cannot, though.
SO...apply that very same individual principle, here, to YOUR own human growth and development...yes, today is the very first day to the rest of your life! And if you need another "first day"? You have a "natural right" for another one....and another one...and another one...and another one.....

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