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Monday, May 19, 2008

5- LYING...Once Is Enough!

A) An intentional falsehood....
When someone pulls it on you, it's time to switch brands of friendship. Trust is worth much more than twisting around what is considered the truth by a supposed friend. And truth is like the wind; we know it when we feel it!
B) As an educator, I could usually "feel" a lie right away when tossed my way in school. Trust, also like the wind, is sensed quickly. Occasionally, though, a trained liar will come along and stump you for a brief time, though, but only for a brief time.
C) We, you, need to concentrate our respect and friendship with sincere chums...right?
As one of the characters in my Town of BlueButtercups(tm) art series says, "For gosh sakes, just go ahead and tell the truth...it's much easier!"

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